NNG's iGO 8 (for PDA/PNA devices) was released in April 2008. An improved version was iGO My way 2006 Plus, announced in 2006. Due to the new map compression technology, the product fits on a 1GB SD card. IGO My way 2006 was the first GPS navigation software package by Nav N Go (now NNG) for PDA/PNA devices, introduced in 2005 at CeBIT, Hannover. Products based on iGO are available in brands including Becker, Clarion, Pioneer, Samsung and Vodafone. NNG sells some versions of the software directly to users, as well as to device manufacturers, auto makers, network operators and professional transport specialists. The iGO Navigation Engine, developed by Hungary-based NNG LLC (formerly Nav N Go) is a GPS navigation software package. There are updated maps for Igo from Q2 2011, I dont know how upto date tomtom's are. I would go with IGO or IGO Primo, IMH both are better than tomtom and dont need hackign to get working, just download the program, put them on your device and thats it. If your unit id windows ce 6 then I dont think there is a proper working version yet.Igo Primo Windows Ce 5.0 Free Download bit.ly/2irZaNHLeave a Reply 1 Comment on 'iGO All Programs for (Android iOS WinCE Windows Mobile)' Notify of new replies to this comment Notify of new replies to this comment Sort by: newest oldest most voted GuestJamesShare On TwitterShare On Google Best GPS software! Kiturile au fost testate si ar trebui sa functioneze foarte bine ( restrictii, rute,etc) pe orice gps cu Win Ce (. Va pun la dispozitie pentru testare doua kituri ( programe) iGO Primo Truck pentru gps-urile cu Windows Ce - ex Mio, PNI, Piloton, Evolio, Serioux, Smailo,etc.Igo Primo WinCE 9.80 (Truck) avec skin IsuzuTruckDir6200 Based on UXurile skinevo2.4 and skinevodirectedisuzu2.4 The kit contains original data.zip executable and Honda (9.12) Included Mapchanger (maps in the same location), the current speed on the menu button and the current speed in large format.