
Pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of sky
Pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of sky

Completion of these rewards you with money, items and experience for your team that allows you conveniences like larger bag space. There's usually a handful of objectives available for each dungeon, and you can take several jobs at once, so there's never a shortage of things to do in a given day. One job might see a concerned Pokémon asking you to go rescue a friend from a dungeon, while another might see you searching for an item on a particular floor.

pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of sky

Missions are handed out via a job board and have a variety of objectives. Aside from a few items that can help sway things in your favour, recruitment is random, so you just have to keep grinding the same Pokémon species until one finally agrees to join you. It's a decent system, one that's fairly inoffensive on a casual playthrough, but it can be infuriating if you're trying to recruit specific Pokémon. After beating a Pokémon in a dungeon you might manage to earn its respect, and it will ask to join your team. The typical "catch 'em all" mentality is still present here, though it's tackled in a different – admittedly disappointing – manner. It's not as deep or as interesting a system as that of the main series, but it fits the style of a dungeon crawler pretty well. Some additional strategy is present via items that can put foes to sleep or cause them to hallucinate, but it still remains a pretty straightforward affair. Your Pokémon all know up to four moves and if you happen to run into a Pokémon in the dungeon, you spam attacks until someone faints. Once finished with an expedition, you return to your guild where you can stock up on items and sell off whatever items you don't want.īattles are handled in a streamlined version of the system present in the main Pokémon games. Each dungeon consists of several floors, with the goal being to find the stairs to take you to the next floor. You take your party into randomly generated dungeons, filled with enemy Pokémon and plenty of loot.

pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of sky pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of sky

Gameplay takes the form of your typical dungeon crawler, with obvious Pokémon elements thrown in to keep things interesting. This is a game you'll want to keep playing for the story that's something that you don't see often in a Pokémon title. Time travelling plays a significant part, friends become foes and vice versa, and the whole thing ends in a disarmingly poignant way. The broad cast of Pokémon you meet over the long campaign all have unique, charming personalities that always keep things fresh, and this goes a long way in making the mountains of text bearable the plot takes numerous twists and turns.

pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of sky

If there's one area at which Explorers of Sky really excels, it's building a surprisingly good story.

Pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of sky